Paul Grooten
Paul Grooten
Data Architect, Statistics Netherlands

Data lakes is a great solution for storing tens of thousands of data sets for statisticians to perform their daily functions. But how do you make that data available in a format that makes sense to them? Also, how do you enrich that data from other agencies who prohibit copying the data to the data lake?

Watch this Denodo DataFest 2017 session to discover:

  • How Statistics Netherlands are using a Spark-based data lake with Denodo's data virtualization in a multi-zone architecture to enable the statisticians to quickly find and use the data in the format they need.
  • A use case on how to share data with other companies while maintaining privacy and security guidelines.
  • How to remain relevant in this rapidly changing data environment.


Visit the Denodo DataFest 2017 to watch all the sessions on-demand.